The magic of my profession, is to see the reality of people’s lives, their stories, their struggles, and the most important and beautiful part, their emotions.
It is hard to show our emotions in public, and with ourselves, but when you take the courage to allow yourself to feel, to connect with your deepest self to accept and value your self, means that you are taking the courage of being vulnerable and caring.
Being there for you, guiding you in this journey, and embracing your emotions to recover from past experiences that are hurting you, to change them into achievements or strengths. Behind every struggle there is an opportunity, there is a new talent or strength about yourself. Don’t forget to be with you, don’t distract yourself to avoid you. You are your best company”.
Trauma is an emotional response to a terrible event. There are some events that our brain interprets as unsafe or dangerous.
You could experience the same painful situation as someone, but for you it could turn out traumatic and not for the other person.
As a reaction to trauma, you can be on a flight or fight response, and our brain as a defense mechanism may try to avoid it, to stop thinking about it to protect ourselves in order to continue our day a daily life, sometimes this is called dissociation, ”forgetting” about details of the incident to avoid suffering.
That trauma needs to be processes if not the amygdala could be triggered easily.
We have in our brain two defined areas:
Amygdala; will gather all the emotions, is the implicit and unconscious memory, such as smells, places, colors, noises. The amygdala will be triggered if something remembers you of or is connected with the traumatic incident, even subconsciously. You will react the same way as you did when the incident happened, without controlling it.
Hippocampus; saves all the amygdala information when the trauma is being processed.
How could the trauma be processed?
By connecting the emotional and cognitive part of the incident.
There are different techniques for that, Trauma Incident Reduction Technique (TIR), which is the technique that I use to release the emotional charge of the incident, in order to save it on the Hippocampus as a regular event.