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How to build your private practice in 4 steps

by admin

Are you ready to turn your passion into your business?

This workshop is for you!

It is important to build your name, and start creating your own therapeutic resources based on your experiences with clients. In order to create a private practice, you dont have to ask for loans, you could go step by step building your name and getting clients. It is important to be prepared in every area of your business, in order to not lose clients and get more clients from their referrals. This workshop will give you the opportunity to understand every leg of a business.

You will have the opportunity to learn step by step how to build your private practice and be ready to run it.

This workshop allows you to connect with other Mental Health professionals which could benefit with referrals in the future and learn other ways of doing business.

Every module is 60 minutes long, with extra time for discussion and exchanging ideas and concerns.

If after the workshop you need individual and personal assistance that is possible and there is a support group membership offered for exchanging referrals, being in contact with other Mental Health professionals as well as feel connected and supported when starting your business. (If you are interested in this, check the counselor support group).

This workshop includes:

  • Business model & strategy
  • Legal Structure
  • Financial planning
  • Digital Marketing

How it works:

  • Capacity: 10 people virtually online.
  • Length: 60 minutes each module. Total of 4 modules. (meeting once a week, during 1 month).
  • Requirements: Ability to join Zoom.

Price: 96.50$

Price: 96.50$

Are you ready to turn your passion into your business?

This workshop is for you!

It is important to build your name, and start creating your own therapeutic resources based on your experiences with clients. In order to create a private practice, you dont have to ask for loans, you could go step by step building your name and getting clients. It is important to be prepared in every area of your business, in order to not lose clients and get more clients from their referrals. This workshop will give you the opportunity to understand every leg of a business.

You will have the opportunity to learn step by step how to build your private practice and be ready to run it.

This workshop allows you to connect with other Mental Health professionals which could benefit with referrals in the future and learn other ways of doing business.

Every module is 60 minutes long, with extra time for discussion and exchanging ideas and concerns.

If after the workshop you need individual and personal assistance that is possible and there is a support group membership offered for exchanging referrals, being in contact with other Mental Health professionals as well as feel connected and supported when starting your business. (If you are interested in this, check the counselor support group).

This workshop includes:

  • Business model & strategy
  • Legal Structure
  • Financial planning
  • Digital Marketing

How it works:

  • Capacity: 10 people virtually online.
  • Length: 60 minutes each module. Total of 4 modules. (meeting once a week, during 1 month).
  • Requirements: Ability to join Zoom.