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Counselors Support Group

by admin

Finally, we will have the opportunity to feel connected as Mental Health professionals. This support group is an open private group chat. Where we will be able to ask for referrals, meet new clinicians, feel emotionally supported to avoid burnout and learn from each others perspective. MI Counselor will provide information about trainings, job offers, referrals…

The chat will be an open private group, where you will have to be subscribed in order to benefit from it. You will received an email every month to continue subscription or cancel it.
We will loved to have you there. Once a month we will meet through zoom or in person to know more about each other.

Lets create a Mental Health counselors community!

Price: 15.00$/month

Price: 15.00$/month

Finally, we will have the opportunity to feel connected as Mental Health professionals. This support group is an open private group chat. Where we will be able to ask for referrals, meet new clinicians, feel emotionally supported to avoid burnout and learn from each others perspective. MI Counselor will provide information about trainings, job offers, referrals…

The chat will be an open private group, where you will have to be subscribed in order to benefit from it. You will received an email every month to continue subscription or cancel it.
We will loved to have you there. Once a month we will meet through zoom or in person to know more about each other.

Lets create a Mental Health counselors community!